Wednesday, March 20, 2013

# 9 Environmental Education

(A Reaction Paper)

        The film home by Yann Arthus-Bertrand is a picture of the wonderful scenes of the Earth and the destruction done to it by humanity. It includes a moving narration about the evolution of the Earth, nature, agriculture, humans, and the crises of habitat destruction, energy depletion, climate disruption, degradation...of the environment, health, economic disparity, and more. 

          The movie starts by taking the viewer back to the beginning of Earth and how life came to Earth, the movie also pictured the beauty of Earth. From this movie we can learn that the world is four billion years old, we humans are only 200,000 years old than the age of the world. The movie tells how our mother earth evolved, how the beautiful trenches were formed, the wonderful blue color of the sea, how rocks are formed, mountains, and other beautiful sites were told and shown.

           In the film the narrator also explains the picture of Earth many years ago. The film also featured the growth of our ecosystem, the evolution of plants, where many kinds of plants grow around the world, the evolution of animals and humans who we never thought that they will destroy the beauty and the balance of the Earth.

             I have learned from this movie that in the next 20 years 20% of Earth’s population will consume the 80% of Earths minerals.

              There are big changes in every continent. In Asia, Asia has so many natural resources. These resources are disappearing. We can't prevent these changes because these changes help us to survive, but as we survive mother Earth is dying. Africa, the continent where water resources are disappearing. People living in Africa are also suffering food and water problem because of lack of resources. While on North America, as we grow the nation evolve. In this continent technologies are advanced. The problem was the use of technologies, the earths are harmed. In South America, many land and forest were destroyed, because of the emerging intelligence and population of human, people in order to live, they destroy. Mining created a great unbalance our mother earth. Digging for stones can make people popular but this activity can destroy great resources of mother Earth. Many flash floods are emerging from time to time. Cutting down trees for houses also destroy our earth. Deforestation creates a major destruction into ecosystem. In Antarctica, glaciers are melting. Water level is increasing some countries are sinking because of this meltdown.

              I learned that in order to survive there must be a sacrifice, unfortunately that sacrifice is the Earth. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, 2 years of those 10 years have already gone and nothing has changed on the way we see planet earth. We still have time, in the movie the narrator said,

              It’s time to come together. What’s important is not what’s gone, but what remains. We still have half the world’s forests, thousands of rivers, lakes and glaciers and thousands of thriving species. We know that the solutions are there today. We all have the power to change. So what are we waiting for?

              He is right only we people can restore what has lost and only us can heal and stop the suffering of our Mother Earth.

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