Thursday, March 21, 2013

#10 Global Education the Global Teacher

Tacaca, Pretty Ireen C.

3.  Describe your experience on EDUC165 Distance Learning. Indicate the pros and cons.

            EDUC 165 distance education helped me a lot to focus more on my practice teaching. It gave me more time to prepare my lessons plans, and visual aids. I am not required to go to school and meet my teacher and classmates, I can easily ask for their assistance even if they are far away. All I need to do is to make a blog, and post my special topics. As long as there is a internet connection at our home I can access my blog anytime.

            The bad things of having distance learning is that, I was not able to make my requirements on the exact date, good thing there is an extension. I have to stay late at night just to finish my special topics. I always forget my special topics because there are many things to do. I did not focus on making my requirements in special topics because I have to take Practice Teaching and Special Topics at the same time.

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